Shopify, just start trying

Published on
October 24, 2022

In 2013, Jake Kassan and Kramer LaPlante drop out of college to found MVMT Watches. Their vision: high-quality, classically designed watches for a fraction of what high-end pieces normally cost. This is their story.

Not only did they envision selling to the people, they started with the people. Over 60 days, the duo raised $220,000 through Indiegogo, the second most successful fashion campaign ever. And that was just the start.

MVMT Watches, which offers high quality, classically designed watches for a fraction of what high-end pieces cost, began life as the second highest funded Indiegogo campaign of 2013. The watches, which are created with a minimalist look and worn professionally or casually, sell for less than half of those offered by competitors.

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MVMT Watches:

Special thanks:
Jake Kassan
Kramer Laplante


Producer: Lucas Santo
Director: Vinny Verma & Stuart Langfield
Animation: Matt Smithson
Sound Design: Marco Patricio
Original Composition: Jim Guthrie
Photography: Ali Khurshid
Editor: Matthew Wiebe
Wardrobe: Loretta MK
Story Edit: Vinny Verma & Lucas Santo
Location Audio: Jeffery Magat

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